MongoDB is a NoSQL database that operates with collections and documents. Each document created on MongoDB has a unique object ID property. So when creating a document without entering an ID, the document will be created with an auto-generated ID. Who Generates the ID? When filling in the properties of a document, we do not necessarily need to enter the object ID. But when we refer to MongoDB after creating a document, it would have an object ID that looks like this: { “_id”: “5f1819229fdf8a0c7c2d8c36” } This makes it much easier for us when creating documents in MongoDB and saves us a lot of time. The object ID in the documents in MongoDB is created by the MongoDB driver, which talks to MongoDB. Therefore, this brings out a lot of advantages: You do not need to wait for MongoDB to create a new unique identifier. Applications of MongoDB are highly scalable. You can create several instances of MongoDB. There is no need to talk to a central place to get a unique identifie...