Introduction Streams are one of the major features that most Node.js applications rely on, especially when handling HTTP requests, reading/writing files, and making socket communications. Streams are very predictable since we can always expect data, error, and end events when using streams. This article will teach Node developers how to use streams to efficiently handle large amounts of data. This is a typical real-world challenge faced by Node developers when they have to deal with a large data source, and it may not be feasible to process this data all at once. This article will cover the following topics: Types of streams When to adopt Node.js streams Batching Composing streams in Node.js Transforming data with transform streams Piping streams Error handling Node.js streams Types of streams The following are four main types of streams in Node.js: Readable streams: The readable stream is responsible for reading data from a source file Writable streams: The writable stream is re...
1. Local Storage Events You might have already used LocalStorage, which is accessible across Tabs within the same application origin. But do you know that it also supports events? You can use this feature to communicate across Browser Tabs, where other Tabs will receive the event once the storage is updated. For example, let’s say in one Tab, we execute the following JavaScript code. window.localStorage.setItem("loggedIn", "true"); The other Tabs which listen to the event will receive it, as shown below. window.addEventListener('storage', (event) => { if (event.storageArea != localStorage) return; if (event.key === 'loggedIn') { // Do something with event.newValue } }); 2. Broadcast Channel API The Broadcast Channel API allows communication between Tabs, Windows, Frames, Iframes, and Web Workers . One Tab can create and post to a channel as follows. const channel = new BroadcastChannel('app-data'); channel.postMessage(data); And oth...